Reflective Change, Martina Müller
Martina Angela Müller is a visual artist practicing in a number of different fields. The main body of her work is abstract painting, but she also works in sculpture, environmental art and installation. She is Senior Artistic Director at Lightforms Art Center in Hudson, NY. She creates her paintings, sculptures and installation pieces by bringing meditative content inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner and great spiritual documents from many spiritual traditions together with the living forces of nature. Her work often starts with the inscriptions that the life force in nature writes into sand, clouds, stone or the soft fibers of wood. Those manifestations in the cellular structure of wood, stone and sand then get transformed in the studio through deep artistic/meditative immersion, drawing on the insights of spiritual activity into paintings, sculptures or installations. Upon completion the sculptures find their way back into nature when installed after having undergone the transformative artistic process. Through magnification and amplification of the smallest, inconspicuous inscriptions the open secrets of nature become visible to others and displayed in their full majesty. Martina’s work has been seen in numerous galleries and venues throughout the North East and is in private collections across four continents. Most recently one of Martina’s installations has been seen alongside Hilma af Klint’s work at Lightforms Art Center in Hudson, NY. Martina’s sculpture was seen with Sculpture Now at The Mount in Lenox, MA at Flying Horse Sculpture Show in Hamilton and at Diana Felber Gallery in West Stockbridge, both in Massachusetts as well as LaMama LaGalleria and Center Point Gallery in NYC. Martina is on the faculty of the Alkion Center and works as freelance artist and teacher in Ghent NY where she maintains her studio.
Born and raised in Germany she studied at Ruhr University Bochum, Emerson College, England and Institute for Waldorf Pedagogy in Witten-Annen. Her main teachers were: Hudson River School Painter Thomas Locker, Ted Mahle at Rudolf Steiner College and Annemarie Martin-Habig.